Monday, April 20, 2009

By Laws

We created these awhile back but I'm not sure they are posted any where online. So here they are again just to be sure of it.

PURPOSE: The Rocky Mountain Civil War Round Table (hereafter the Round Table) shall exist to provide an informal and non business setting whereby all who are interested may gather to study the American Civil War.

OFFICERS: The officers of the Round Table shall be the President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The President shall preside over the meetings, present an annual program of lectures to the membership for approval, and bring any items of interest pertaining to the Round Table to the memberships’ attention. As necessary the President may form temporary committees or study groups to investigate items or trips of interest and report back to the general membership.
The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence for the Round Table and publish a monthly news letter.
The Treasurer shall maintain an appropriate account for the deposit and disbursement of all Round Table Funds.
Officers shall be nominated and elected as called for by the membership. Election shall be by a show of hands of the members present at the meeting. A majority vote by the membership present at a meeting shall be required for a nominee to be elected. Officers are elected for a five year term.

MEETINGS: Meetings shall be conducted monthly at the time and place designated by the President and agreed upon by the membership. Normally each monthly meeting will consist of social time, business, lecture, and question and answer periods. Lectures for each month’s meeting will be by volunteers from the membership or from a guest lecturer. If required, the President is authorized to spend reasonable funds to defray the travel cost of a guest lecturer.

NEWSLETTER: The Secretary or whomever the President designates will publish and mail a monthly newsletter to each member of the Round Table. Cost of printing and mailing will be from the Round Table’s funds. The newsletter will consist of, but is not limited to: the current topic of the lecture, program of lectures for the calendar year, any upcoming special events, items of interest submitted by the membership, reports from any committees if at the time any are constituted.

DUES: The Round Table shall require an annual dues payment by each individual or family to join or to maintain membership. Dues are $20.00 annually. This amount may be decreased or increased at the recommendation of the President and with the approval of the majority of the membership

EXCESS FUNDS: At the end of the calendar year any funds not expended in the operation of the Round Table and that amount deemed necessary as an contingency fund will be dispersed to various organizations that conduct Civil War battlefield preservation and commemoration.

MEMBERSHIP REQUIRMENTS: Membership is open to all and other than payment of the annual dues there are no requirements for membership.

CHANGES TO BY LAWS: These By Laws may be amended at any time it becomes necessary. Amendment will be by a two-thirds majority approval of the membership present at any meeting so designated and publicized for such a vote.

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